Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

As the body ages, there is a buildup of stored fat, especially around the waistline due to reduced physical activity. Dietary imbalance, lack of physical activity, excessive alcohol consumption, stress and an overall sedentary lifestyle can cause the body to store more fat, especially around the lower abdomen, surrounded by the internal organs (liver, pancreas and intestines). This additional padding of a fat layer around the abdomen is called belly fat. It can be a direct result of obesity, genetic predispositions, stress, hormonal imbalances, natural decline of muscle mass due to ageing or other underlying disease conditions. Reducing belly fat is the most common fitness goal among people but the above-mentioned factors may consequently, complicate the process of reducing belly fat. However, research suggests that there is no one best workout for belly fat and spot reduction techniques are neither viable nor effective, rather you should focus on overall fat loss to get rid of belly fat, through strength training and incorporation of a nutrient-dense diet into your daily regimen. Belly fat is hard to lose but it’s not impossible. Going ahead we will discuss certain approaches and exercises that can support in reducing belly fat and improve overall body composition.

Types of belly fat: Visceral fat and Subcutaneous fat 

  • Visceral fat: Visceral fat is stored deep inside the abdominal cavity area of the body, encircling organs such as the stomach, pancreas, liver, and intestines. This type of fat is considered more concerning for health as high levels of visceral fat is directly linked to multiple disease conditions including Type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, metabolic syndromes, and heart diseases.
  • Subcutaneous fat: Subcutaneous fat is the fat directly accumulated under your skin. It can be felt by a simple pinch and grab. It mainly deposits around your thighs, hip and belly. Although, considered less harmful than visceral fat, huge depositions of it around the waistline can be detrimental to health. 

Why is Belly Fat Hard to Lose?

If you’re actively trying to get rid of belly fat but are not targeting overall weight loss, it is likely shedding it will become unachievable. In addition, there are several factors and common mistakes that come into play and make it difficult to lose belly fat as discussed under:

  • Genetic Predisposition: Genetics can regulate body fat distribution, making your body susceptible to storing more fat due to metabolic abnormalities especially if obesity runs in your family. Genes can contribute to obesity risk by affecting food cravings, appetite and metabolism,  making it harder to lose weight and get rid of belly fat from around the stomach.
  • Alcohol consumption: High amounts of calories present in alcoholic drinks promote fat accumulation, consequently giving you a beer belly. As alcoholic beverages are high in sugar, they promote intake of empty calories leading to weight gain. Alcohol may also hamper lipid metabolism which can lead to fat accumulation. Drinking in moderation or not drinking at all is an effective way to tackle belly fat. Lifestyle changes such as the incorporation of exercise and a well-balanced diet will give optimal outcomes.
  • Underlying conditions and medication: Certain medications that include diabetes and epilepsy medicines, anti-depressants, and corticosteroids may cause weight gain and fat accumulation directly around the belly region, making it difficult to burn belly fat and causing difficulties in overall fat loss.
  • Excess calorie consumption: Late-night binging sessions and technological interventions have given people with busy lifestyles the easier and more unhealthy option of ordering junk food within minutes than opting for home-cooked nutritious meals. This directly contributes to the deposition of stubborn belly fat around the abdomen. Limiting calories and switching to healthier options can keep visceral fat down and help you reach your fitness goals.
  • Hormonal imbalance disrupting metabolism:  The hormones leptin, insulin, oestrogen, androgens influence appetite, metabolism and body fat distribution. Disruption in any of these can cause weight gain and a high risk of obesity ultimately affecting all bodily functions and hormonal parameters such as high cortisol, leptin resistance, under-active thyroid and PCOS.
  • Stress and sleep deprivation: Sleep deprivation is directly associated with an increased risk of abdominal obesity. Short, irregular sleep cycle and stress are directly linked with each other. Chronic stress increases the secretion of cortisol levels (stress hormone) thereby increasing cravings for energy-dense fatty foods, which promote weight gain and belly fat. Moreover, insufficient sleep may elevate the levels of ghrelin (hunger hormone), leading to cravings for eating more and increasing the chances of gaining weight if not controlled.
  • Inappropriate exercise form: Doing only abdominal exercises to reduce belly fat, like crunches and planks are not enough.  Moderate to high-intensity workouts clubbed with aerobic exercises to reduce belly fat and strength training works best for burning overall body fat. A consistent exercise routine along with balanced meals must be followed to get the best results.
  • Consumption of excess sugar : Opting for high-calorie drinks loaded with sugar raises your risk for a bigger belly and increasing the risk of obesity and diabetes. Choosing water over sweetened liquid calories  not only hydrates but can also help in managing overall body weight and flushing out the toxins.

10 Best Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

Addition of  physical activity into your daily regimen is the right step in the direction to burn off unwanted belly fat. Although, spot reduction is not possible and one needs to target overall fat loss to achieve an athletic and aesthetic physique, there are still certain exercises that may help in toning your stomach and getting rid of belly fat. Here are some best exercises to reduce belly fat:

1. Crunches:

Crunches primarily tackle muscles in the abdomen including obliques. While crunches are optimal for strengthening and toning core muscles, it is important to note that spot reduction is not possible in any part of the body. They can be performed with different variations of the exercise form like bicycle crunches, reverse crunches and working upon the abdomen and hip muscles.

2. Jump Squats:

Jump squats help in working the abdominal muscles, glutes, lower back and thigh muscles improving balance and posture. They also have a toning and tightening effect but they don’t focus on targeting belly fat only. They help strengthen core muscles and burn calories, leading to full body fat loss.

3. Leg raise:

Leg raises are an excellent exercise for targeting the iliopsoas (the anterior hip flexors) and lower abdomen muscles. Leg raises also help strengthen the rectus abdomens muscle and internal and external obliques, contributing to a toned lower abdomen, leading to a flat stomach.

4. Burpees: 

Burpees engage multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, arms, core, quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Burpees may help burn more calories than other low-intensity exercises and may turn out to be one of the best exercises to burn belly fat. If done regularly, they can support your weight management goals by powerfully burning full body fat.

5. Kettlebell swing: 

The kettlebell swing is a great full-body exercise, having high intensity and low impact, working the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, erectors, trapezius, rhomboids, deltoids, and abdominals, making it ideal for belly-fat loss and overall weight reduction. Kettle swing exercise can help lower body fat, improve cardiovascular health, and build strength and power.

6. Medicine ball slam:

This exercise engages multiple muscle groups for calorie burning and building strength. It focuses on the core muscles and burns away calories. High-intensity activity makes it one of the most highly effective fat-burning exercises. It is also beneficial for improving strength and cardiovascular conditioning resulting in weight loss and ultimately helps reduce some inches of your waistline as well.

7. Overhead lunges: 

The barbell overhead lunges target core, shoulder, thigh and glute muscles, enhancing balance and coordination. They’re an excellent exercise that helps burn calories, improves stability, builds strength and boosts overall fitness.

8. Plank:

Planks are one the best exercises to burn belly fat and play a major role in improving core strength, stability, and endurance. Incorporating planks into a comprehensive fitness routine, along with cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and a calorie-restricted diet, can aid in reducing belly fat and achieving a toned midsection. Variations like high plank, forearm plank, side plank, and weighted plank can help burn belly fat faster.

9. Russian twists: 

Russian twists, an effective core exercise, can help tone abs and belly muscles. Russian twist exercise is an effective way to lose fat around the waist area. It also improves posture, tones the waistline, and improves back mobility. Proper form and controlled movements are essential to avoid injury and maximise benefits for a visibly flatter belly and fat loss.

10. Mountain climbers: 

Mountain climbers if included in a HIIT workout can be beneficial for burning unwanted fat from your entire body and belly in particular as they intensively contract the abdomen muscles, burning out the calories along with toning. Studies have shown that high-intensity interval training sessions are more effective than low- intensity workouts for supporting weight loss and burning fat.

The Role of Diet in Burning Belly Fat

  • If you are targeting losing belly fat without focusing on overall weight/fat reduction then it may become extremely hard to get rid of the excess fat around your belly. Targeted abs workouts though helpful, may not give you optimal results if not followed with a calorie-restricted and nutrient-rich diet comprising all macro and micro nutrients. This may be combined with an active lifestyle, including consistent strength training sessions along with cardiovascular exercises.
  • Eating plenty of fibre including legumes, millets, oats, barley, whole grains, fruits and vegetables decreases the chances of belly fat gain and promotes weight loss by making you feel full naturally.
  • Avoiding processed, deep-fried foods and exorbitantly large amounts of sugar leads to consumption of unwanted calories, which can cause various health complications and result in fat accumulation around the belly.
  • A high-protein balanced diet consisting of meat, fish, dairy, and a whey protein supplement can promote weight management and reduce the risk of obesity or fat gain by promoting satiety.
  • Consuming complex carbohydrates through whole grains like wheat, barley, oats can keep a check on low consumption of refined cereals like maida. Having a low-carbohydrate diet can help manage belly fat and weight by keeping a check on the calories especially for those who are obese.


Losing belly fat takes a lot of time and continuous effort. Even the best fat- burning exercises won’t be effective if not integrated with lifestyle changes such as incorporating healthy and fresh foods in your diet and  proper sleep & stress management. Furthermore, losing extra fat and maintaining it in the long run can be a difficult task for people with underlying conditions and factors such as ageing, postpartum and those with injuries. Hence, a healthcare professional’s feedback is essential to find the best solution for metabolic/hormonal/genetics or an underlying condition associated with belly fat deposition and consequently obesity.


1. For how much time should I exercise to burn belly fat?

To burn off visceral fat that will give a flatter appearance to your belly, include minimum of 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise or cardio combined with strength training into your daily routine.

2. Does diet play a major role in burning belly fat?

A well-balanced, calorie-deficit diet consisting of optimal amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats and other essential micronutrients in addition to good sleep, and a regular workout routine can help you reduce weight but there is no evidence to suggest a particular food or diet can help you get rid of belly fat alone.

3. What are some mistakes I should avoid when trying to burn belly fat?

Smoking, excessive alcohol intake and a poor sleep cycle can result in fat accumulation around the abdominal area. Poor dietary habits and regular consumption of junk food can hamper this process. Hence, you should include a healthy and balanced meal and maintain an active lifestyle to reach your weight loss goals.

4. Which exercise should I focus on more, cardio or strength training to burn belly fat?

Any physical activity be it cardio, strength training or a combination of both done consistently with progressive overload can help you reduce weight and manage overall body fat if coupled with a nutrient-dense, calorie-deficit diet and a healthy active lifestyle. Incorporating both cardio and strength training in your routine may turn out to be the best workout for belly fat loss and overall weight loss.