Tri Fibre: A blend of three soluble fibres for gut health

Tri Fibre: A blend of three soluble fibres for gut health

What is TriFibre?

Steadfast Nutrition’s Tri Fibre is a low-calorie blend of soluble fibres which positively effect health by improving organ vitality. Tri Fibre provides essential fibre that gives digestive-health benefits and promotes satiety, reducing overeating. Tri Fibre comprises resistant maltodextrin, inulin, and hydrolysed guar gum that supports good bacteria, which may improve digestive health. It is a tasteless, odourless, and colourless water-soluble fibre which is easy to consume.

Constituents of TriFibre

Resistant Maltodextrin

It is a water-soluble, fermentable functional fibre derived from plants, which promotes satiety, reduces food intake, improves gut health, and prevents obesity and fat accumulation. Resistant maltodextrin strengthens bowel movement and decreases body weight, BMI, and body fat by enhancing satiety and decreasing food consumption. It maintains the lipid profile, reducing bad cholesterol and increasing digestion time, which manages blood glucose levels.


Inulin is a prebiotic fibre that dissolves in water but is not digested or absorbed in the stomach, resulting in slower digestion, fullness, and reduced cholesterol absorption. Inulin promotes digestion as it travels through the digestive system to the large intestine, where it feeds gut bacteria that help prevent infections and boost immunity. It helps digest carbohydrates slowly, allowing sugar to be released gradually without spikes, which manages blood sugar levels.

Guar Gum

Guar Gum is a food ingredient that is used for thickening. It is high in soluble fibre that strengthens our digestive system. It may work as a prebiotic, promoting the growth of healthy bacteria and inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria in the stomach. Guar Gum helps manage the moisture content of the stool if one has diarrhoea- it absorbs excess liquid but softens the stool among those with constipation. Guar gum lowers cholesterol and glucose because of its gel-forming properties and increases satiety because of slow gastric emptying. Adequate intake helps regulate bowel movement, reduces LDL cholesterol, controls diabetes, enhances mineral absorption, and prevents digestive problems like constipation.

What are Dietary Fibres & its Importance

Dietary fibres are complex carbohydrates that are not digested in our gut due to the absence of enzymes. They add bulk to our diet even if we consume a small quantity, which helps control weight. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are high in fibre benefit our health and lower the risk of disease.

Soluble fibre dissolves in water, forming a gel-like structure that helps lower blood cholesterol, stabilises glucose levels and makes stools easier to pass. It slows the digestion of carbohydrates and other nutrients, preventing sudden spikes in blood glucose levels. Eating food rich in soluble fibre improves satiety, which may lead to weight loss and lower blood pressure.

Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and remains unchanged as it moves through the digestive tract, making it a non-calorie source. It speeds up our digestion and adds bulk to our stool.

Health Benefits of TriFibre:

Helps Manage Obesity:

Consuming Tri Fibre enhances satiety because it contains soluble fibre, which slows gastric emptying, leading to satiety and less food intake. It is also low in calories, making it excellent for weight loss.

Improves Gut Health:

Fibre feeds good bacteria in our gut that improve overall health and well-being. Tri Fibre is a food source for these bacteria, promoting their growth, which improves digestion and gut health.

Controls Cholesterol:

Tri Fibre contains soluble fibre that binds with cholesterol in the small intestine, lowering the “bad” cholesterol levels. It also provides essential nutrients for overall health and helps improve colon health and bowel movement.

Helps detoxify organs:

Due to various food sources and environmental factors, our organs store unwanted compounds which harm our overall health- gel-forming properties of soluble fibre help entrap these compounds, making our organ system non-vulnerable.

Who can take Tri Fibre?

Regular intake of Tri Fibre with other food sources may help us to achieve the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of 30 to 41 grams (Men) and 25 to 32 g (Women) of fibre daily.

Who can take TriFibre?

1. Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts who regularly indulge in physical activities and don’t consume fibre through diet can take Tri Fibre. Consuming Tri Fibre is an easy method to add the required dietary fibre to the diet.

2. Office Goers

People with a hectic schedule throughout the day are more likely to miss out on fibre intake, which may lead to several diseases and lifestyle disorders. Tri Fibre can help us achieve our fibre intake goal and help prevent lifestyle diseases.

3. Weight Watchers

Tri Fibre provides soluble fibre that forms a gel-like structure absorbing more water, resulting in slow digestion. It enhances satiety, reducing food intake and minimising the possibilities of overeating and binge eating.

4. Kidney and Liver Patients

Patients with liver, kidney, or intestinal disease can take Tri Fibre as it boosts gastrointestinal and essential micronutrient absorption. Their medication leads them to lose their appetite, putting them in danger of starving, which may cause severe health problems. Tri Fibre solves their problems by giving them the best intestinal and mineral absorption.

When Should You Take TriFibre?

Take TriFibre twice, at any time of the day. It can easily be dissolved in water and may be taken between or with meals.

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